

Embodied Leadership

Courageous Integrity Conversations

Adressing sensitive issues with care & courage.

Transgressive behavior takes place in an environment where courageous integrity conversations are not taking place. We facilitate these conversations and bring people back to the table in relationships that have derailed.


  • Report of cross-border behavior
  • Courageous conversation with alleged perpetrator, victim, and bystanders
  • 360 interviews & questionnaire among 21 trusted, neutral, and difficult relationships
  • Report: Quality of working relationships with recovery process advice
  • Individual coaching trajectory
  • Recovery conversations between teams: Expressing needs, setting boundaries, saying sorry, asking for and giving help
“We can change our lives, one conversation at a time”
Susan Scott
Leadership Development Architect - Author


  1. Indicate the potential for de-escalation among all people drawn into the drama triangle.
  2. De-escalate the conflict through courageous conversations and a neutral executive summary of the conflict.
  3. Grow a habit of self-reflection and team reflection among everyone involved.
  4. Establish a clear route towards development for the team and all individuals.
  5. Inspire the rest of the organization to create stronger relationships through dealing with conflict and repair.

What shadow behavior is holding you back?